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Building your business’ website: Branding, user experience and content tips

Building your business’ website: Branding, user experience and content tips

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Building your business’ website: Branding, user experience and content tips

One key tool for starting your own business and appealing to your potential customers is having an effective website that speaks to who you are and what services or products you offer. Ready to start? Here’s three key components to keep in mind:  

  1. Have an understanding of your audience. Knowing your audience is the foundation of building a successful website. Research and define your target demographic to tailor your content, design and functionality to their preferences and needs. Understand their pain points, preferences and how they interact with digital content.  
  2. Prioritize user experience (UX). A website’s success hinges on user experience. Ensure your site is easy to navigate, with a clean layout, intuitive design and fast load times. Focus on creating a seamless experience across all devices, as a significant portion of users will access your site via mobile. 
  3. Invest in quality content. Content is everything when it comes to engaging your audience and improving SEO. Provide valuable, relevant and original content that resonates with your visitors. Regularly update your product descriptions, blog and other content areas to keep your site fresh and informative. 

Ready, set, build 

Once you have a handle on your audience and what user experience and content will best speak to them, you can start building your website. With many tools available to founders, you can take the DIY approach and build a quality website. Here’s a roundup of tools and development areas you can take on. 

  • Initial Website Setup: Consider platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, or Shopify, which offer user-friendly ways to set up your website, choose a template and customize basic website elements without extensive technical knowledge. 
  • Basic Content Creation: Writing blog posts, product descriptions and updating website copy can often be handled internally. Your best asset here? Your inside knowledge of your product and customer to inform content that’s authentic and aligns with your brand voice. 
  • Social Media Integration: Linking your website to your social media accounts and embedding social media feeds is a low-lift tool you can integrate to keep your website relevant and increase awareness of your social channels. Use plugins or built-in features of your website platform to achieve this. 

Budget-permitting, you can also outsource certain tasks and invest in tools that will optimize your website for the best user experience. As you’re able, consider the following: 

  • Custom Web Design and Development: For a truly unique and professional look, consider hiring a web designer or developer. They can create a custom design that aligns perfectly with your brand, provides advanced functionality beyond standard templates and helps your website stand out from the competition. 
  • SEO Optimization: While basic SEO can be managed internally, outsourcing to an SEO specialist can significantly enhance your website’s visibility. Professionals can conduct thorough keyword research, optimize on-page elements and build backlinks that will make your website easier to find for potential customers. 
  • Advanced Security Measures: Securing your website is critical, especially if you handle sensitive information (think customer credit cards and the like). Outsource advanced security implementations like SSL certificates, firewalls and regular security audits to professionals. 

No matter the route you choose – whether DIY or customized with professional help – always remember to keep your site updated. A website is not a set-it-and-forget-it project. With that in mind, schedule content updates, refreshed design elements and new features based on user feedback and analytics. Stay current with web design trends and technology to keep your site modern and competitive. Last but not least? Stay committed to maintaining and improving your site, and your online presence will flourish. 

Looking for more tips and tools? Sign up here for our monthly newsletter for more access and insights to resources and stories to help accelerate your business. 

Post topic(s): Branding basics

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