This is the eighth installment of an interview series with the 2021 Target Takeoff Food & Beverage cohort. Participating founders are sharing, in their own words, details about their innovative companies. All interviews have been conducted by the Target Takeoff Program Management Team.
Meet ThaiFusions.

TT: Describe ThaiFusions in one sentence.
Max: Thaifusions is the story of our family and has turned into a lifelong dream of being able to share family traditions with our authentic line of Thai sauces and curries.
Max: When Toi arrived in the U.S. there weren’t any Thai products available, so she had to create own, making fish sauce, curry, and chili pastes from scratch. We feel that this has been the inspiration for ThaiFusions and our greatest advantage. We hope that our story resonates with our customers and sees the similarities in their own.
TT: How did you decide it was the right time to join an Accelerator? What are you most looking forward to getting out of the Target Takeoff experience?
Max: We’re really at a crossroads currently in our business. With the pandemic we’re facing many challenges in regard to sourcing and packaging. We hope to be able to get as much guidance as possible through mentorship and open up networks and have access to resources through the Accelerator that we most likely not be able to otherwise. Most of all the possibility to be considered to launch with Target would be a dream for us.
TT: What’s a problem you frequently face as a founder?
Max: As a founder we’re wearing so many hats and have been learning as we go. We’ve made many mistakes along the way and have zigged and zagged our way but we’re still here and has made us stronger and has been a slower build for our company that’s been sustainable for us and growing at our own pace and we now feel the time is right to grow with some help.
TT: How do you stay motived through the ups and downs of growing your business?
Max: Everyday is a new day and you never know what’s around the corner. Getting news like being accepted to the Target Takeoff is one of those huge milestones for us. These keep us going and keep us motivated to be the bridge to bring authentic Thai food to the rest of the country.
TT: After this program, how do you see your company growing?
Max: We hope to be able to have a fresh perspective and hear some of the other challenges and to be able to learn from them, come back to a fresh slate and be inspired to pivot and to be ready for the changes in the retail and food world.
TT: If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, what would it be?
Max: To keep pushing through, you never know who’s going to pick up your product. You’re always one connection away to taking one more step big or small… Believe in your product, believe in your story. Your story is unique and needs to be told.
To bring the delicious flavors of the family home with you and to learn more about them, visit
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Post topic(s): Food & beverage Target Takeoff Women-ownedMature

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