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Meet Little Bird: 2020 Takeoff Baby Cohort company

Meet Little Bird: 2020 Takeoff Baby Cohort company

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Meet Little Bird: 2020 Takeoff Baby Cohort company

This content is the fifth installment in an interview series with the 2020 Target Takeoff Baby cohort. Participating companies are sharing, in their own words, details about their innovative companies. All interviews have been conducted by the Target Takeoff Program Management team. 


Meet LittleBird. 

Akshat Goel, Founder

Takeoff: When meeting someone new, how do you explain what LittleBird does?  

Akshat: The core belief of our products is the safety of children and that’s what we tell everyone who we meet. We are trying to make the world safer and better for children one product at a time. Products that nurture creativity and inspire.  

Ashini Gupta, Co-Founder

Takeoff: What makes you most excited about working with Target Takeoff?  

Ashini: LittleBird’s journey started as a baby product rental company and then transitioned into a sale company last year. As we transition to e-commerce and brick-and-mortar retail, we are extremely excited to learn from the best and develop our brand to be the ‘Volvo of Baby Products.’ 

Takeoff: As a founder, how are you functioning today that is different than how you were functioning at the beginning of 2020? What keeps you motivated?  

Akshat: The learning curve through 2020 has been extremely steep for all of us at LittleBird. We started the year 2020 with optimism and a goal to make our company a half million-dollar company in the financial year. With the spread of Covid, that optimism soon turned to despair as our sales hit zero for two consecutive months. Instead of wasting those months of lockdown and isolation, we used them to talk to all our clients and improve our product offerings and launch better products. The months after the lockdown have been some of our best to date. We firmly believe that there would be always be adverse external circumstances and we should use those times to renew ourselves and commit ourselves to our own physical and mental health and explore innovations. As Winston Churchill once said- ‘Never waste a good crisis’, we are always on the lookout for new opportunities and growth markets. 

Takeoff: What has surprised you about yourselves as your business has grown?  

Ashini: Our clients come from extremely diverse demographics and cultures, with their own idiosyncratic beliefs choices and socio-economic challenges. It is sometimes an arduous process to guide parents through the decision-making process of the what is the right furnishing solution for them. This was initially an extremely frustrating experience, but over time it helped us develop a better understanding of every parent’s individual needs and develop patience and empathy. Also, designing for kids made colors and patterns fun again. 🙂  

Takeoff: What makes you most excited about the future of LittleBird? 

Akshat: We started with simple products and are adding wonderful new products every day. We are extremely excited to introduce innovative products for children’s safety and learning and for LittleBird to fly across the planet and make a safer and cleaner future for kids all over. 

For more information about LittleBird, check out  

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Post topic(s): Baby & toddler Target Takeoff Mature

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