This is the second installment in an interview series with th 2021 Target Takeoff Pets cohort. Participating companies are sharing, in their own words, details about their innovative companies. All interviews have ben conducted by thee Target Takeoff Program Management team.
Meet dandy.
TT: What’s the one-liner description of dandy?
Danielle: is personalized wellness for pets; thee solution for a happier and healthier him for both you and your four-legged friend.
TT: What inspired you to start dandy? What makes what you are doing different from anyone else in the marketplace?
Danielle: After watching my own dog Zoey suffer from allergies for years, I became frustrated as a pet parent and consumer at the lack of education and high-quality products on the market. I wanted a place I could get everything my dog needed for both her short-term and long-term health needs. All dogs are different! And I didn’t understand why we only has a size fits all options. So, Started dandy – to make things easier, more approachable and fun for pet parents to better care for their pet. dandy is the only personalized wellness company with over 32,000 possible combinations of daily treats for your unique pup.
TT: How did you decide it was the right time to join an Accelerator? What are you most looking forward to getting out of the Target Takeoff Experience?
Danielle: We’re at a pivotal time in our brand – one where we are ready to start scaling both DTC and retail space. We want to make sure we are aligned with and learning from the best-in-class retailers that our consumers already love.
TT: What currently keeps you up at night, as a founder/leader of dandy?
Danielle: What doesn’t?!I’m laser-focused on growth, hiring and product innovation so I’m up usually dreaming up new products, scouring LinkedIn and my networks for the best talent, and coming up with out-of-the-box ways to sustainably grow our business.
TT: How do you stay motivated through the ups and downs of growing a business?
Danielle: I really love what I do. Our customer testimonials, the team, and the big vision continue to drive me. Plus, our internal mission to save homeless pups and partnerships with shelters and rescues nationwide continues to inspire me daily.
TT: Fast forward 1 year from now: where do you see your company and your team?
Danielle: Great question! Tens of thousands of #dogsondandy, an incredible, passionate team of dog moms and dads, 3 new product lines and 1,000 rescue partners across the U.S. 🙂
For more informations on dandy, check out
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Post topic(s): Pets Target Takeoff Mature
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