This is the second installment of an interview series with the 2021 Target Takeoff Food & Beverage cohort. Participating founders are sharing, in their own words, details about their innovative companies. All interviews have been conducted by the Target Takeoff Program Management Team.
Meet Bagelista.

TT: What inspired you to start your company? What makes your product unique in the marketplace?
Jenna Wilson: Warren and I share a passion for food, especially phenomenal bagels. While spending a lot more time at home, we quickly discovered that supermarket bagels left much to be desired … they lacked the quality, taste, and authenticity that we were looking for. So we developed a method to capture the technique and traditions of a classic New York bagel shop. With Bagelista, you can now enjoy a freshly baked bagel anytime, anywhere. The aroma coming out of the oven is unbelievable!
TT: How did you decide it was the right time to join an Accelerator? What are you most looking forward to getting out of the Target Takeoff experience?
Warren Wilson: With all that we’ve been through this past year, I can’t wait to finally have an environment to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and compare our challenges of growing a business during the pandemic. It’s so important to have that support network of like-minded founders living the same journey.
TT: What is a problem/situation you frequently face as a founder?
Jenna & Warren Wilson: We are fortunate to have an incredible product that consumers really enjoy. The challenge for us is raising our brand awareness in an efficient and impactful way. As a startup with limited resources, how do you drive trial in a sustainable and authentic manner? That is the golden question for many brands in our situation, but is certainly front of mind as Bagelista launches in retail.
TT: How do you stay motivated through the ups and downs of growing a business?
Jenna & Warren Wilson: Being married and business partners adds an entirely new dynamic to our relationship, especially when we can talk business 24/7! Compromise, dedication, respect and humor are absolutely must-haves in order to navigate the chaos of entrepreneurship. We know we’re going to make mistakes and trip up along the way but we have each other there to pick up the pieces. We always celebrate the smallest wins to keep us motivated and excited for the next chapter.
To learn more about the Bagelista story and try their delicious New York bagels for yourself, visit
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Post topic(s): Food & beverage Target Takeoff Women-ownedMature

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