This is the first installment in an interview series with the 2021 Target Takeoff Pets cohort. Participating companies are sharing, in their own words, details about their innovative companies. All interviews have been conducted by the Target Takeoff Program Management team.
Meet Cuddle Clones.
TT: What’s the one-liner description of Cuddle Clones?
Jennifer: Cuddle Clones captures the emotional connection between people and their pets through our customized products.
TT: What inspired you to start Cuddle Clones? What makes what you are doing different from anyone else in the marketplace?
Jennifer: My Great Dane, Rufus! He was so unique, being a Harlequin with two different colored eyes. I knew I would never be able to get a plush replica of him in a store. I thought, I should make stuffed animals that look like people’s pets.
TT: How did you decide it was the right time to join an Accelerator? What are you most looking forward to getting out of the Target Takeoff experience?
Jennifer: We have been looking to solve the retail challenge of custom products. We hope that through the experience, we can all brainstorm together to make a person fall in love with the products when they see them in the store, then seamlessly complete their purchase on
TT: How do you stay motivated through the ups and downs of growing a business?
Jennifer: I do have a work hard, play hard mentality. I always schedule time to have fun – whether it’s golfing, hanging out or singing karaoke.
TT: Fast forward 1 year from now; where do you see your company and your team?
Jennifer: We hope that Cuddle Clones can become a household name and that pet parents everywhere can get something special from us.
For more information on Cuddle Clones and their products, check out
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Post topic(s): Pets Target Takeoff Women-ownedMature
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