This is the ninth installment in an interview series with the 2021 Target Takeoff Beauty cohort. Participating companies are sharing, in their own words, details about their innovative companies. All interviews have been conducted by the Target Takeoff Program Management team.
Meet Yubi Beauty.
TT: What’s the one-liner description of Yubi Beauty?
Adiya: Yubi Beauty is a beauty tool company, started by a modern woman on the go, for other busy babes who want to reclaim their beauty ritual.
TT: What inspired you to start Yubi Beauty? What makes what you are doing different from anyone else in the marketplace?
Adiya: I’ve always been inspired by Japanese, minimalistic product design after living in Tokyo for many years. I felt like the beauty industry was not always geared and marketed toward the modern, busy woman who maybe has kids and a career, PTA meetings, book club, and girl’s nights. I love the way I feel when I’m at my best, and want to cut through the noise with a simple, patented tool that is ergonomic and easy to use so that women can reclaim their beauty rituals.
TT: How did you decide it was the right time to join an Accelerator? What are you most looking forward to as part of the Target Takeoff experience?
Adiya: We’re hoping to get some expert guidance about the current retail space, and what tips and best practices may help us bring Yubi to a wider audience of busy women.
TT: What currently keeps you up at night, as a founder/leader of Yubi Beauty?
Adiya: Oh man, probably the endless Slack messages! But seriously, thinking of ways to bring more value to women who have maybe fallen behind on the current beauty market, or who have been left out of the conversation altogether. I fell off my game, too for a long time!
TT: How do you stay motivated through the ups and downs of growing a business?
Adiya: During the down times, by rereading the wonderful messages from past customers that have loved the product. It can be helpful to focus on the individuals that have benefited from Yubi. During the up times, I’m motivated by staying on top of the madness!! And by daydreaming about more delightful ways to serve my customers.
For more information on Yubi Beauty, check out
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Post topic(s): Beauty Target Takeoff Black-ownedMature
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